Glossary - 7

Mobile Computer. In this text, mobile computer refers to the Symbol Series 9000 wireless portable computer. It can be
set up to run as a stand-alone de vice, or it can be set up to communicate with a network, using wireless radio


Nominal. The exact (or ideal) intended value for a specified parameter. Tolerances are specified as positive and
negative devia tions from this value.
Nominal Size. Standar d size for a ba r co de symb o l. Most UPC/EAN codes are used over a range of magnifications
(e.g., from 0.80 to 2.00 of nominal).
NVM. Non-Volatile Memory.


ODI. See Open Data-Link Interface.
Open Data-Link Interface (ODI) . Novell’s driver specification for an interface between network hardware and
higher-level protocols. It supports multiple protocols on a single NIC (Network Interface Controller). It is capa ble of
understanding and translating any network information or request sent by any other ODI-compatible protocol in to
something a NetWare client can understand and process.
Open System Authentication. Open System authentication is a null authentication algorithm.


PAN . Personal area network. Using Bluetooth wireless technology, PANs enable devices to communicate wirelessly.
Generally, a wireless PAN consists of a dynamic group of less than 255 devices that communicate within about a
33-foot range. Only devices within this limited area typically participate in the network.
Parameter. A variable that can have different values assigned to it.
PC Card. A plug-in expansion card fo r laptop computer s and other devices, also called a PCMCIA card. PC Cards are
85.6mm long x 54 mm wide, and have a 68 pin connector. There are several different kinds:
Type I; 3.3 mm high; use - RAM or Flash RAM
Type II; 5 mm high; use - modems, LAN adaptors
Type III; 10.5 high; use - Hard Disks
PCMCIA. Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Association. See PC Card.