1 - 6 MC70 User Guide
4. Lift the top of the battery cover and remove.
Figure 1-7
Removing the Battery Cover
5. Press the battery release latch on the bottom of the battery to unlock, and lift the battery out of the well.
Charging the Battery
Charging the Main Battery and Memory Backup Battery
Before using the EDA for the first time, charge the main battery until the amber Charge Status LED remains lit
(see Table 1-2 on page 1-7 for charge st atus indications). To charge the EDA, use a cable or a cradle with the
appropriat e powe r su pp ly. Fo r info rm a tion ab o ut the ac cessories available for th e EDA, se e Chapter 5,
The EDA is equipped with a memory backup battery which automatically charges from the fully-charged main
battery. When using the EDA for the first time, the backup battery requires approximately 24 hours to fully
charge. This is also true any time the backup battery is discharged, which occurs when the main battery is
removed for several hours. The backup battery retains RAM data in memory for at least 30 minutes (at room
temperature) when the EDA's main battery is removed. When the EDA reaches a very low battery state, the
combination of main battery and backup battery retains data in memory for at least 40 hours.
To charge batteries, use eithe r a ca ble or one of the following cradles. For crad le se tu p an d ch ar gin g
procedures refer to the MC70 Integrator Guide.
Single Slot USB/Serial Cradle
Four Slot Ethernet Cradle
Vehicle Cradle.
Snap-on accessories such as the Magnetic Stripe Reader (MSR) and the Trigger Handle provide a
pass-through port for charging.
To charge the main battery:
1. Connect the charging accessory to the appropriate power source.
2. Insert the EDA into a cradle or attach the cable. The EDA begin s charg ing . The Char ge LED b links ambe r
while charging, then turns solid amber when fully charged. See Table 1 -2 for charging indications.