Using the MC70 2 - 21

Linear Scanning

EDAs with an integrated linear scanner have the following features:
Reading of a variety of ba r code sym bol og ie s, including the most popular linear, postal, and 1-D code
Intuitive aiming for easy point-and-shoot operation.


EDAs with an integrated imager have the following features:
Omnidirectional reading of a variety of bar code symbologies, including the most popular linear, postal,
PDF417, and 2D matrix code types.
The ability to capture and download images to a host for a variety of imaging applic ations.
Advanced intuitive laser aiming for easy point-and-shoot operation.
The imager uses digit a l camer a technolog y to take a digital picture of a bar code, stores the resulting image in
its memory, and executes state-of-the-art software decoding algorithms to extract the data from the image.

Operational Modes

EDAs with an integrated imager suppo rt three m odes of operatio n, listed below. Activate each mode by pulling
the trigger or pressin g the Scan button.
Decode Mode: In this mode, the EDA attempt s to locate and deco de enabled bar codes within it s field of
view. The imager remains in this mode as long as you hold the trigger, or until it decodes a bar code.
Pick List Mode: This mode allows you to selectively d ecode a bar code when mo re than one bar code is
in the EDA’s field of view. To accomplish this, move the aiming crosshair over the required bar code to
decode only this bar code. This feature is ideal for pick lists containing multiple bar codes and
manufacturing or transport labels containing more than one bar code type (either 1D or 2D).
Image Capture Mode: Use this mode to capture an image within the EDA’s field of view. This is useful
for capturing signatures or images of items like damaged boxes.

Scanning Considerations

Typically, scanning is a simple matter of aim, scan, and decode and a few quick trial ef fort s master it. However,
consider the followin g to opt imize scanning perf or ma n ce :
Any scanning device decodes we ll over a particular working range — mini mum an d maximu m d i stances
from the bar code. This range varies according to bar code density and scanning device optics.
Scanning within range brings quick and constant decodes; scanning too close or too far away prevents
decodes. Move the scanner closer and further away to find the right working range for the bar codes
being scanned.