2 - 24 MC70 User Guide

Figure 2-21
Pick List Mode with Multiple Bar Codes in Aiming Pattern
4. Release the scan button.

Resetting the EDA

There are two reset functions, warm boot and cold boot. A warm boot restarts the EDA by closing all running
programs. A cold boot also restarts the EDA, and also resets the clock. Data saved in flash memory or a
memory card is not lost.
Perform a warm boot first. If the EDA still does not respond, perform a cold boot.

Performing a Warm Boot

Hold down the Power button for ap proximately five seconds. As soon as the EDA starts to boot release the
Power button.

Performing a Cold Boot

To perform a cold boot simultaneously press the Power button and the 1 and 9 keys.
NOTE Imager decoding usually occurs instantaneously. The EDA repeats the steps required to
take a digital picture (image) of a poor or difficult bar code as long as the scan button remains