Setting up your incoming lines will customize TalkSwitch to fit the unique needs of your business. For example, you can set all incoming calls to be answered by an Auto Attendant, set certain extensions to ring before an Auto Attendant answers, or have calls go directly to voicemail.
If you have not set up an Auto Attendant, proceed to the Set certain extensions to ring or direct calls to voicemail section on the next page.
Set Auto Attendant to answer all incoming calls
1.Select Call Handling and then Telephone Lines from the menu on the left of the TalkSwitch System Configuration window.
2.From the list of telephone lines, click Line 1 to configure incoming line number 1.
3.From the
Modes represent different operating schedules, such as standard business operating hours or
4.From the
Auto Attendant 1 (set up in the previous step) will immediately answer all incoming calls and play a greeting.
5.For TalkSwitch 24, repeat this process for Line 2. For TalkSwitch 48, repeat this process for Lines 2, 3, and 4.
6.If you have a system with multiple TalkSwitch units, you will notice up to four tabs (TalkSwitch 1, TalkSwitch 2, etc.) across the top of the window. Click on each tab to configure each TalkSwitch unit in your network.
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