TANDBERG Gatekeeper User Manual
Command Usage Description
ResourceUsage xstatus ResourceUsage Reports usage of system resources.
Registrations: Number of currently registered
MaxRegistrations: Maximum number of registered
endpoints since system start.
PortRegistrations: Total number of currently
registered endpoints and services.
MaxPortRegistratoins. Maximum number of registered
endpoints and services since system start.
TraversalCalls: Number of currently active traversal
MaxTraversalCalls: Maximum number of traversal calls
since system start.
TotalTraversalCalls: Total number of traversal calls
since system start.
NonTraversalCalls: Number of currently active non
traversal calls.
MaxNonTraversalCalls: Maximum number of non
traversal calls since system start.
TotalNonTraversalCalls: Total number of non
traversal calls since system start.
IntraZoneBandwidth: Total bandwidth used intra zone.
InterZoneBandwidth. Total bandwidth used to all
neighboring zones.
SubZones xstatus SubZones Reports call and bandwidth information for all subzones on
the system.
SystemUnit xstatus SystemUnit Reports information about the system
Product name
Software version
Software name
Release date
Number of calls supported
Number of registered endpoints and services
Hardware serial number
Traversal xstatus Traversal Reports whether or not the Gatekeeper has registered with
the Border Controller and established a traversal link.
Zones xstatus Zones Reports the call and bandwidth information for all zones on
the system.
5.2 Configuration