13 − General preferences
There are four sets of general preferences that you can make in order to customize the 2488MKII to your working style. Access all of these through the PREFERENCE menu.
Global preferences
These all affect the overall operation of the 2488MKII.
ªKey sense time
Some of the keys on the unit have two different functions, depending on whether they are pressed and released in a short space of time, or whether they are pressed and held down for a longer period.
The pitch control is a good example of this. If the PITCH/SSA key is pressed and released briefly, the pitch control is turned on. If it is pressed and held for the time set here, a screen appears allowing you to make the settings for the pitch and the slow speed audition functions.
The setting for the key sense time is from 0.3 to 2.0 seconds, in 0.1 second steps. The factory setting is 0.5 seconds.
meters hold the value for a second or so and then drop back, or KEEP, where the peak value is always shown on screen until this value is changed. You can also press the HOME key when the SHIFT indicator is lit.
Use the cursor keys to highlight the parameter, and the dial to change it.
The KEEP setting is useful if you want a permanent record of the highest value, but you cannot keep your eyes on the meters during the whole take or rehearsal.
ªMeter release time
The meter
Note that the meters are always peak meters, and the rise time is fixed.
ªShift key behavior
The SHIFT key can be used in one of three ways, as set by this parameter:
AUTO SAFE: This is the factory setting. The SHIFT key functions for a few seconds after it is pressed. It becomes inactive after you press another key or when the shift indicator light goes out.
ªMeter peak hold mode
The meters shown on the home screen and other pages can be configured to hold the peak value.
This parameter can take the following values: OFF; where the meters do not hold the peak value at all, ON; the peak
HOLD: The SHIFT key remains active after you press it until you press another key or press the SHIFT key again.
UNLOCK: The SHIFT key is active only when you press and hold it down as you press another key.
Mixer preferences
ªFader matching
The option affects the way in which the physical and the internal faders interact (see “Fader matching” on page 37).
There are three options here:
REAL: if the internal fader level is changed using a scene change or a MIDI Control Change, this is ignored. The actual physical fader is the only way in which the fader level is set.
JUMP: the internal fader level jumps to the level set by the physical fader as soon as the physical fader is moved. Since this can result in sudden changes in vol- ume, resulting in possible damage to hearing and monitoring equipment, this option should be used with cau- tion.
CATCH: the fader level remains the same initially. However, if you then move the physical fader so that the physical level becomes the internal level (the faders