Track Controls
In the center position (SAFE) no recording takes place.
NOTE: Don't operate the RECORD FUNCTION switches to punch in and out. Otherwise, "clicks" will remain on tape.
The RECORD FUNCTION switches also select what source will be recorded. For example, Track 1 can record either the single source plugged into Channel 1 of the mixer (DIRECT), or the entire BUSS L mix (which may have as many as six sources). The other RECORD FUNCTION switches work in the same way: either DIRECT from the same- numbered mixer channel, or from the MASTER stereo mix: Tracks 1 & 3 from BUSS L, Tracks 2 & 4 from BUSS R.
39.Track REC indicators: They show the individual track's status as selected by the RECORD FUNCTION switches (#38).
Track REC | Track status | |
indicator | ||
| ||
| |
Off | Safe | |
| |
Blinking | Record | |
| |
Steady indication | Record | |
40.Track level meters
41.Monitor level meters: These show the level in the monitor mix selected by the MONITOR switches (#18). The meters are "Pre" (before) the rotary MONITOR LEVEL control, so this control does not affect the meter readings.
42.Tape counter: Displays the distance the tape has moved from a zero reference point selected by pressing the COUNTER RESET key beneath.
43.Other indicators: Light up or blink depending on the selected mode and condition of your 424 MKIII.
45.LOC 1 key: If pressed while the MEMO IN key (#47) is held down, it loads the current tape location into MEMO 1 register.
If pressed alone, it causes the tape to fast wind in either direction to the MEMO 1 point (if this point has been memorized).
This key is also used to check the memo point.
NOTE: To initiate autolocation, HIT the LOC key. To check the memo point, PRESS the key for 0.5 second or more.
46.LOC 2 key: Similar to the LOC 1 key, this key is used to establish a MEMO 2 point, and to locate tape with that memory point.
47.MEMO IN key: Used together with the LOC 1 and LOC 2 keys to load the current tape location into memory. See #45 and 46 above.
48.REPEAT switch: This provides a "playback loop" or "block repeat" between MEMO 1 and MEMO 2 points.