Avoid extreme voltage fluctuations. If necessary, use
an input voltage regulator to smooth the power sup-
plied to the DA-98HR.
Do not open the unit to clean inside, or to perform
any internal adjustments. You should not attempt any
cleaning or other maintenance procedures which are
not described in this manual.
You may need to clean the heads occasionally. The
procedure for doing this, and for checking tape error
rates, etc., is given in 12, “Maintenance and settings”.
1.4.6 Condensation
If you use the DA-98HR in a warm place after mov-
ing it from a cold place (for instance, recording on
location), or if there has been a sudden change in
temperature, condensation may occur within the tape
mechanism, with a risk of possible damage to the
If condensation does occur, you will not be able to
operate the DA-98HR controls, and you will see the
following message on the display:
If you see the above message, press the ESCAPE key
to remove the message, leave the DA-98HR switched
on for one or two hours, then switch it off and on
again before starting recording.
If you are going to use the DA-98HR in a location
where you think condensation is likely to occur,
move the DA-98HR into the warmer location about
one or two hours before recording is due to start, and
leave it switched on. Turn the DA-98HR off and then
on again before starting recording.
1.5 Recommended tapes
The DA-98HR is designed for use with Hi8 video
cassettes. You cannot use any other kind of tape with
the DA-98HR.
There are two basic types of Hi8 tape: MP and ME.
Each has its own particular characteristics and mer-
•MP tapes are manufactured using a daubed mag-
netic particle deposit process and exhibit a level of
performance which is more than acceptable. They
have a durability which allows them to be use d as
work tapes in studio and post-production
•ME tapes have their magnetic layer produced
through a metal evaporation process. Generally
speaking, though these tapes have a high perfor-
mance level, they are not as robust as MP tapes (see
above) and should be used for live recording and
archival purposes, rather than as work tapes .
TASCAM does not endorse any specific tape or tape
manufacturer. TASCAM has licensed the use of the
DTRS logo ( ) to tape manufacturers, provided
their tape meets the specifications required by DTRS
tape recorders. However, the use of the DTRS logo
on the tape packaging does not imply any endorse-
ment of the tape by TASCAM. It is possible that the
characteristics and sensitivities of tapes may be
changed by the manufacturers without notice. The
brands and model numbers of tapes listed below may
not always meet the specifications required by DTRS
systems for optimum performa nce. TASCAM
assumes no responsibility for problems resulting
from changes made by a manufacturer to the materi-
als or specifications of its tape products.
The electrical characteristics of DTRS recorders are
adjusted and set using Sony Hi8 tape parameters (MP
and ME) prior to shipment.
Condensation on drum