6 – Basic Operations–Punch-in and punch-out
5Start playing the tape (press PLAY), and the
signals from tape will be monitored.
6At the point where the punch is to occur, press
The RECORD key flashes, and the REC FUNC-
TION indicator(s) of any armed track(s) light
At any time when the rehearsal key is lit or
flashing, this means that recording will not
actually be carried out, even if the RECORD
key and/or the REC FUNCTION indicators are
7At the point where you want to punch out,
press PLAY.
The REC FUNCTION indicator(s) of any armed
track(s) starts flashing again. The RECORD
key goes out.
8After the post-roll period, the tape returns to
the pre-roll point (the punch-in point minus
the pre-roll offset).
The RHSL indicator now lights steadily, show-
ing that the DA-98HR is in rehearsal mode.
If you want to alter the pre-roll and post-roll times, see
6.6.5, “Editing the preroll and postroll times”. The punch-in
and punch-out points will remain the same while you
change the pre- and post-roll times.
6.6.4 Setting and editing punch points using the menus1Press the RHSL (rehearsal) key L twice (or
until the indicator lights steadily).
2Press the AUTO MON key i (the indicator will
3Go to menu group 1 and select the In
Point option using the cursor keys and
In the screen above, the sub-frame units are
samples. Select the sub-frame units, which can
either be 1/100 of a frame, or samples, by mov-
ing the cursor to the right field (here it is sm,
but for 1/100 frame units it is sf) on the bot-
tom line of the display, and using the § and ¶
keys to change between them.
4Use the Á and Ó keys to select the “field”
(hours, minutes, seconds or sub-frame units)
that you want to edit, and use the § and ¶
keys to change the values. The function keys
can also be used as number keys (4.4, “Using
the function keys as number keys”).
5Press ESCAPE to return to menu group 1.
6Select Out Point and repeat the process
for the punch-out point.
You can also use this process to edit punch points which
have been set “on the fly”).
7Locate the tape to the punch-in point (minus
the pre-roll time) by pressing LOC 1 O.
6.6.5 Editing the preroll and postroll timesAs shipped from the factory, the DA-98HR will posi-
tion the tape 5 seconds before the punch-in point,
whether this has been set by you, or set automatically
(as described above).
The post-roll is factory set to 3 seconds. You can alter
both these times using the following method:
1Enter menu group 1, move the cursor to the
Pre/Post menu option, and press
2Use the Ó and Á keys to position the cursor
by the “field” (minutes or seconds) that you
want to change and use the § and ¶ keys to
alter the value.
You can also use the function keys to enter the
value directly, as described in 4.4, “Using the
function keys as number keys”.
Since there is little point in setting pre- and postroll
times to frame accuracy, you can only set these val-
ues to second accuracy.
The minimum value you can set for preroll is 5
seconds and the maximum value is 59 minutes
59 seconds.
Punch-in Point
Sample Sub frame
00:09:21:12.0000 sm
Pre-roll Post-roll
Pre Post
00m05s 00m10s