5 Monitoring modesPatching the outputs
1From menu group 2, move the cursor to
Shtl Mon, and press ENTER:
2Use the § and keys to change the setting
between on and off.
The shuttle monitoring setting key has no effect
when AUTO MON is off. While shuttling, you can use
tracks INPUT MONITOR switches (regardless of
arming status) to change between source and tape
When the AUTO MON and shuttle monitoring are
both on (the indicators will light), the output from all
armed tracks will be the source input. This cannot be
You can always (regardless of any other status except
) use the
switch of unarmed
tracks to switch between source and tape monitoring.
If AUTO MON is on, but the shuttle monitoring mode
is turned off, all armed tracks will monitor the
recorded signals in shuttle mode. This cannot be
You can also disable shuttle monitoring with the Shuttle
Mute function (7.6.2, Shuttle muting).
Shuttle monitoring is attenuated by 12 dB compared with
other monitoring modes. This helps to avoid damage to
tweeters, etc. when shuttling fast.

5.2 Patching the outputs

The tracks do not have to be assigned to the outputs
on a one-to-one basis. This may be useful in situa-
tions where a digital audio patchbay is not available.
Note that this routing function only allows rerouting
between tracks of the same sampling frequency. It is not
possible, for instance, to assign a double-frequency track to
an output which would normally be used by a base-fre-
quency track.
The outputs are made in parallel on both the AES/
EBU and the TDIF-1 outputs (though only one may
be selected at a time). If an optional slot board has
been installed, the outputs will also be output from
1From menu group B, move the cursor to Out
Patch, and press ENTER:
2Use the Ó and Á keys to select the track
(Trk) which will be routed to the output
channel. Use the § and keys to change the
value at the cursor.
Note that a track may be routed to more than
one channel. In the screen above, the rou ting is
normalled, except that tracks 2 and 3 are
routed to output channels 3 and 2 respectively,
and track 8 is paralleled to channels 7 and 8.
When the outputs are not normalled, i.e.
there is no longer a one-to-one correspondence
between the tracks and the output channels,
the OUTPUT PATCH indicator under the tape
counter lights.
The number of tracks available, and their possible assign-
ments, vary according to the number of available tracks
(6.2.1, Available tracks).

5.3 Confidence mode

When recording in a studio, it is usual to monitor the
input signals, rather than the tape. This allows accu-
rate synchronization between studio events and the
actions of the control room staff. If a glitch is later
discovered in the recording, or it is discovered that a
signal has been wrongly routed, resulting in an
unwanted recording being produced, it is a relatively
simple matter to re-record the take.
In a live recording situation, this luxury is not possi-
ble. One can hardly ask an orchestra giving a concert
to repeat a movement of a symphony for re-recording
For this reason, the DA-98HR includes a confidence
mode which permits off-tape monitoring on a track-
by-track basis while recording is in progress.
Confidence mode provides monitoring off-tape while
recording for all tracks, except those tracks whose
INPUT MONITOR switch is active. The monitoring of
these tracks will be the input source, not tape.
The actual mechanics of how this is acco mplished
internally are quite complex, but the result is that off-
Shuttle Monitor
Output Patch