13 – Options/specifications/reference–MIDI Control Change
13.5 MIDI Control Change
It is possible to send use MIDI Control Change mes-
sages to control the sub-mixer parameters, as
described here:
MIDI channels 1 through 8 control channels 1
through 8 on the master DA-98HR in a DTRS chain.
MIDI channels 9 through 16 can be used to control
channels 1 through 8 on the first slave DA-98HR in a
13.6 MIDI System Exclusive
The following are the System Exclusive formats used
by the DA-98HR:
13.6.1 Identity Reply
Reply to an Identity Request:
13.6.2 TASCAM Exclusive messages
These TASCAM Exclusive messages are developed
for controlling DTRS recorders connected to each
other via the SYNC IN connections.
The messages follow the following format:
13.6.3 Track delay
Track delay can be set from –200 through +7200
<cc> = 04
<data> is 5 bytes: <tk><da><db><dc><dd>
<tk> = 0s000ttt where s= sign bit (1 if negative) and
ttt is the track number.
<da>, <db>, <dc> and <dd> represent the units, tens,
hundreds and thousands digits respectively of the
delay value.
13.6.4 Crossfade
Can be set from 0 to 90 ms in this way
<cc> = 05
1 data byte, taking a value from 0 through 9 (0
through 90 ms)
13.6.5 Machine offset
Used to set the machine offset of a slave machine
chasing to a master via a SYNC IN connection (the
master’s chase cannot be set, of course).
The limits of this parameter are ±02:00:00.00. If a
value over or below these limits are entered, the limit
value will be set.
<cc> = 06
<data> is four bytes: <hh> <mm> <ss> <ff>
<hh> = 0sssuuuu, where sss=000 means a plus value,
and sss=01 is a minus value. uuuu is the hours
Parameter MIDI Control Hex value
Channel fader Volume (7) 0x07
Channel pan Pan (10) 0x0a
Master fader Control (9) 0x09
Channel mute
a. Values of 0 through 63 turn mute on, values of
64 through 128 turn it on.
Control (11) 0x0b
F0 SysEx header
7E Universal SysEx non-realtime he ader
<channel> Obtained by subtracting 1 from the Machine ID
<06> sub-ID #1 — general information
<02> sub-ID #2 — device identity reply
01 Categor y = recorder
04 type =digital cas sette
00 interface = direct
0F machine = DA-98HR
<VH> Software version of unit. Numbers above deci-
mal point, expressed in binary
<VL> Software version of unit. Numbers below decimal
point expressed in binary
00 Currently unassigned
00 Currently unassigned
F7 End of SysEx
F0 SysEx header
<channel> Obtained by subtracting 1 from the Machine ID
11 Operation code (DTRS SYNC IN)
<an> Machine ID set on each DTRS recorde r
<cc> Comma nd code
<data> Data — format varies according to command
<cs>checksum — lower 7 bits of the sum of all num-
bers from (and including) <cc> up to <cs>
F7 End of SysEx