1 Introduction to the DA-98HRUsing this manual
Input monitor mode allows channel-by-channel
source monitoring, regardless of tape transport
Three user setup memory banks for storing setup
Simplified source/tape monitoring functions with
automatic switching
Auto punch-in and punch-out with rehearsal mode
2-point full function autolocator with AB repeat
function , and 10 soft key location memories
Variable speed recording and playback (up to 6.0%
in 0.1% steps)
Shuttle mode enables rock and roll audio posi-
tioning of key locations

1.3 Using this manual

We suggest that you take the trouble to read this man-
ual through at least once before starting to use the
DA-98HR. In this way, you will find out where to
turn when you need answers.

1.3.1 How this manual is organized

1, “Introduction to the DA-98HR”: This section,
giving a general guide to the features and capabilities
of the unit.
2, “Front and rear panels”: A general guide to the
front panel controls and rear panel connectors of the
DA-98HR, and their general function.
3, “Connections”: Some hints and tips about con-
necting the DA-98HR to other equipment in a digital
recording setup.
4, “Menu operations”: The parameters and settings
of the DA-98HR are controlled using a menu system.
Although this is easy to use, we sugge st that you read
this section carefully in order to understand how to
use this menu system.
5, “Monitoring modes”: Careful monitoring is
essential to making good recordings, and the DA-
98HR provides many monitoring modes. We suggest
that you read this section carefully to understand the
different options available to you.
6, “Basic Operations”: The standard operations
concerning recording using the DA-98HR.
7, “Advanced operations”: Operations that you will
not necessarily perform every day, but are necessary
for the successful operation of the DA-98HR.
8, “DTRS synchronization”: You should read this
section when you use the DA-98HR with other
DTRS units.
9, “Operations related to timecode”: When you are
synchronizing units, including the DA-98HR, in your
setup to timecode, you should read this section care-
fully to make sure that you understand the options
available to you.
10, “External control”: The DA-98HR can be con-
trolled externally using 9-pin serial controllers as
well as by MIDI (MMC) controllers. Rea d this sec-
tion for details of the options available.
11, “Menu and parameter reference”: Use this sec-
tion as reference for the parameters available, and the
way in which they are accessed.
12, “Maintenance and settings”: Read this section
to learn how to maintain the DA-98HR in top con di-
tion, as well as to store and retrieve setti ngs for fur-
ther use.
13, “Options/specifications/reference ”: Specifica-
tions, etc. and details of options available for use
with the DA-98HR.

1.3.2 Typographic conventions

When referring to a control or a connector on the
DA-98HR, the name of the control or conne ctor will
be written in bold type, and will often be followed by
a circled number, as in the example below:
Holding down the PLAY W and pressing the
RECORD X key will start the recording
The numbers refer to the front and rear panel illustra-
tions and description in 2, Front and rear panels.
When referring to a word or phrase which appears on
the LCD display screen, the word or phrase will be
written as follows:
Move the cursor to Memo 1.
Sometimes the tape counter is used to display a mes-
sage. This will be shown as follows:
The tape counter shows --LoAD

1.4 Notes and precautions

As with any precision piece of electronic equipment,
common-sense precautions apply with the DA-
However, there are a few extra notes and precautions
which apply to using the DA-98HR, and we suggest