10–Settings and Information

Setting the file name (WORD)

1Press the MENU key to open the MENUscreen.

2Use the wheel to select FILE NAME, and press the


3Select the WORDitem. Use the µ and keys to move the cursor, and use the wheel to select the characters.

In addition to letters and numbers, the following symbols can also be used.

! # $ % & ' ( ) + , - . ; = @ [ ] ^ _ ` { } ~

Values: OFF (default), 3min, 5min, 10min, 30min

Turning the backlight off automatically (BACKLIGHT)

You can set the backlight to turn OFF automatically after a set amount of time of non- use when operating on battery power.

1Press the MENU key to open the MENUscreen.

2Use the wheel to select SETUP, and press the


3 Use the BACKLIGHTitem to set the time.

Setting the search speed (CUE/REV SPEED)

You can set the rewind/fast-forward (search) speed.

1Press the MENU key to open the MENUscreen.

2Use the wheel to select SETUP, and press the


3 Use the CUE/REV SPEEDitem to set the speed.

Values: OFF, 5sec (default), 10sec, 15sec, 30sec

Adjusting the contrast (CONTRAST)

You can adjust the display contrast.

1Press the MENU key to open the MENUscreen.

2Use the wheel to select SETUP, and press the


3 Use the CONTRASTitem to set the value.

Values: x2, x4, x8 (default), x10

Values: 1–20 (default is 8)

Turning the power off automatically (AUTO OFF)

You can set the unit to turn OFF automatically after a set amount of time of non-use when operating on battery power.

1Press the MENU key to open the MENUscreen.

2Use the wheel to select SETUP, and press the


3 Use the AUTO OFFitem to set the time.

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