humit impregnat amb unes gotes de detergent i després eixugueu-lo.

-Per netejar l’aparell, no utilitzeu dissolvents ni productes amb un factor pH àcid o bàsic, com el lleixiu, ni productes abrasius.

-No deixeu entrar aigua ni cap altre líquid a través de les obertures de ventilació per evitar danys a les parts operatives interiors de l’aparell.

-No submergiu l’aparell en aigua ni en cap altre líquid, ni el poseu sota l’aixeta.

-Quan es posi en marxa en funció calefactor, després d’estar una llarga temporada aturat o funcionant només amb la funció ventilador, és possible que desprengui al principi un lleuger fum, sense cap conseqüència, a cau- sa que s’està cremant la pols i altres partícules acumulades en l’element calefactor.

Anomalies i reparació

-En cas d’avaria, porteu l’aparell a un servei d’assistència tècnica auto- ritzat. No intenteu desmuntar-lo ni reparar-lo ja que pot ser perillós.

-Si la connexió a la xarxa està mal- mesa, cal substituir-la i actuar com en cas d’avaria.

Per a productes de la Unió Europea i/o en cas que així ho exigeixi la nor- mativa en el seu país d’origen:

Ecologia i reciclabilitat del producte

-Els materials que componen l’envàs d’aquest electrodomèstic estan integrats en un sistema de recollida, classificació i reciclatge. Si desitja desfer-se’n, pot utilitzar els conte-

nidors públics apropiats per a cada tipus de material.

-Aquest producte està exempt de concentracions de substàncies que es puguin considerar perjudicials per al medi ambient.

- Aquest símbol significa

que si us voleu desfer del producte, un cop exhaurida

la vida de l’aparell, l’heu de

dipositar, a través dels mitjans adequats, a mans

d’un gestor de residus autoritzat per a la recollida selectiva de Residus d’Aparells Elèctrics i Electrònics (RAEE).

- Aquest símbol significa que l’aparell no s’ha de cobrir.

Aquest aparell compleix la Directiva 2006/95/EC de Baixa Tensió i la Directiva 2004/108/EC de Compati- bilitat Electromagnètica.







































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Taurus Group Tropicano 2400 manual Anomalies i reparació, Ecologia i reciclabilitat del producte

Tropicano 2400 specifications

The Taurus Group Tropicano 2400 is a sophisticated piece of machinery designed to meet the demands of modern agriculture and landscaping. Known for its robust performance and versatility, the Tropicano 2400 seamlessly combines power and efficiency, making it a valuable asset for farmers and landscapers alike.

One of the standout features of the Tropicano 2400 is its powerful engine, which provides exceptional horsepower while maintaining fuel efficiency. This ensures that users can accomplish tasks quickly without incurring significant fuel costs. The engine is coupled with advanced transmission technology that allows for smooth gear shifting, resulting in enhanced operational control and reduced wear on components.

Incorporating cutting-edge technologies, the Tropicano 2400 is equipped with precision implements that enable it to tackle various tasks, from tilling and plowing to seeding and harvesting. The implement system is designed for easy attachment and detachment, allowing users to switch between different tasks with minimal downtime. This adaptability is crucial for meeting diverse agricultural needs, enhancing productivity throughout the workday.

The Taurus Group has emphasized ergonomics in the design of the Tropicano 2400. The operator's cabin is spacious and equipped with high-quality seating that reduces fatigue during long hours of operation. Additionally, intuitive control interfaces ensure that operators can easily manage all functions, enhancing usability and efficiency.

Durability is another hallmark of the Tropicano 2400. Built with high-quality materials and a rugged frame, this machine is designed to withstand the rigors of both farming and landscaping operations. Weather-resistant components ensure reliable performance in various environmental conditions, making the Tropicano suitable for year-round use.

Another notable characteristic of the Tropicano 2400 is its commitment to sustainability. The engine meets stringent emissions standards, minimizing its environmental impact while maximizing performance. This focus on green technology not only benefits the planet but also appeals to environmentally conscious users.

In summary, the Taurus Group Tropicano 2400 is a top-tier machine that combines power, efficiency, and versatility for various agricultural and landscaping tasks. With its innovative technologies, ergonomic design, and durable construction, it stands out as a leading choice for professionals looking to enhance their productivity and efficiency on the field. Whether you are plowing a field or maintaining a garden, the Tropicano 2400 offers a reliable solution that meets the demands of modern operations.