HD-P2 Screens and Menus
Summed mode can be useful if you are doing mono recordings sometimes from the left and sometimes the right. Follow Record Mode sets the headphone moni- toring mode to match the project’s channel settings.
Audible Alerts
When the
happens, a series of beeps are sent to the audio output jacks and the headset. A short series of beeps indicates a warning while a longer series indicates a more seri- ous problem, which will soon be followed up by the system stopping recording (media space low) or shut- ting down (battery power low).
HD-P2 Screens and Menus
Operational Screen
This is the screen you will see when the
Metering – Instantaneous metering values (playback &
record) along with peak decay and clip indicators. The response rate and peak hold times are configu- rable in the Project, Settings menu.
Timeline – Current time in hours:minutes:seconds:
tenths/sec in
Scrub point – Indicates the unit that is changed when
the scrub wheel is rotated. This will affect the reso- lution of the Scrub wheel. Change this by pressing
Current – Current project, file, and marker. File and
marker are based on timeline location and will ap- pear/disappear accordingly.
Settings – Current project settings in effect.
Timecode – On/Off, when On it shows some timecode settings.
Figure 9 - Main Screen Layout
Locator – Current (or last) locator position and name.
Pressing both Locate L&R together will relocate the timeline to this locator.
Power – Power source: AC adapter, FireWire, or bat- tery (with level).
Lock – Shown when the HOLD switch is engaged, all other buttons are disabled.
Clock – Time of day clock, used for file creation time. Transport – Icons showing the current transport state.
FireWire – Indicates the
Time display– Displays the remaining time left for recording on the media.
Screen Icons
The Power and Transport sections of the screen change | Disk icons will blink whenever either approaches a |
their icons based on their current state. The Power and | low power or disk threshold, respectively. |
| Figure 11 - Power Source Icons |
Figure 10 - Transport State Icons |