Using Features for Advanced Applications
3–220 TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
You may be able to avoid saturating your integral waveform if you choose a
shorter record length. (Press HORIZONTAL MENU Record
Length (main).) Reducing the sample rate (use the HORIZONTAL SCALE
knob) with the source channel selected might also prevent clipping. You can also
select AC coupling in the vertical menu of the source waveform or otherwise DC
filter it before applying it to the oscilloscope input.
Once you have your waveform optimally displayed, you may magnify (or
reduce) it vertically and horizontally to inspect any feature you desire. Just be
sure the integrated waveform is the selected waveform. (Press MORE, then
select the integrated waveform in the More main menu. Then use the Vertical and
Horizontal SCALE knobs to adjust the math waveform size.)
If you want to see the zoom factor (2X, 5X, etc.), you need to turn Zoom on:
press ZOOM On (side). The vertical and horizontal zoom factors appear on
Whether Zoom is on or off, you can press Reset (main) Reset Live Factors
or Reset All Factors (side) to return the zoomed integral waveform to no
Using Zoom