
TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual Index–11

P6205 Active Probe, 1–5
P6701A/B with calibration, A–2
P6703A/B with calibration, A–2
Packaging, C–1
Paired cursor, 3–127
PAL, Display menu, 3–42
Palette, Color menu, 3–45
Palette, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Passive voltage probes, D–1
Pattern trigger, 3–76
How to setup, 3–81
PCX, 3–165
PCX Color, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
PCX, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Peak detect acquisition mode, 3–30, Glossary–9
Peak Detect, Acquire menu, 3–33
Peak Hits, 3–135
Peak to peak, 3–115, Glossary–9
Period, 3–116, Glossary–9
Persistence, 3–39
Persistence Palette, Color menu, 3–45
Phase, 3–116, Glossary–9
Phase suppression, 3–205
Pixel, Glossary–9
Pk-Pk, 3–135
Polarity and Width, Main Trigger menu, 3–92
Polarity, Main Trigger menu, 3–94, 3–97
Pop-up menu, 2–8, Glossary–9
Port, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Port, Utility menu, 3–177
Portrait, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Vertical, 3–16
vertical, 3–201, 3–213, 3–219
Position, Vertical menu, 3–18
Positive duty cycle, 3–116
Positive overshoot, 3–116
Positive width, 3–116
Positive, Main Trigger menu, 3–92, 3–94, 3–97
Postscript, 3–165
Posttrigger, Glossary–10
Power connector, 1–7, 2–5
Power cords, A–1
Power off, 1–8
Power on, 1–7
Pretrigger, Glossary–10
Preview, Zoom menu, 3–52
Principal power switch, 1–7, 2–5
Print, File Utilities menu, 3–163
Printer (Color), Option 3I and 3P, A–3
Printing a Hardcopy, Reference Article, 3–164
Probe Cal, 3–143
Probe usage, 1–5
Probe–channel deskew, 3–143, Glossary–3
Accessories, A–5
Active voltage, D–3
Compensation, 2–17, Glossary–10
Compensation of, 3–6
Compensation Signal, 2–14
Connection, 2–9
Current, D–4
Definition, Glossary–10
Differential active, D–4
Fixtured active, D–4
General purpose (high input resistance), D–1
High speed, D–4
High voltage, D–2
Low impedance Zo, D–2
Optical, D–5
Option 22 to add, A–2
Option 23 to add, A–2
Option 24 to add, A–2
Option 26 to add, A–2
Option 27 to add, A–2
Option 2D to delete, A–3
Option 4D to delete, A–3
P6205 Active, 1–5
Passive, 3–6
Passive voltage, D–1
Selection, D–1
Procedures, Inspection and Cleaning, E–1–E–2
Product description, 1–1
Programmer manual, F–1
Programming, GPIB, F–1
Programming Examples, F–1
Propagation delay, 3–115
Pulse trigger, 3–65, 3–89
definition of classes, 3–89
Pulse triggers, definitions of, 3–90
Pulse, Main Trigger menu, 3–72, 3–93, 3–96, 3–101
Quantizing, Glossary–10
Rack mounting, A–2
Acquisition, 3–33
Channel, 2–6, 3–11, 3–50
Cursors, 2–6