TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual Index–7
Histograms, 3–133
HistoMasks, Status menu, 3–179
Hits in Box, 3–135
Holdoff, trigger, 3–66, Glossary–6
Horiz Pos, Horizontal menu, 3–22
Horiz Scale, Horizontal menu, 3–22
Bar cursors, 3–127, Glossary–6
Control, 3–19–3–62
Menu, 3–68
Position, 3–19
Readouts, 3–18
Scale, 3–19
SCALE knob, 2–14
System, 2–14
Horizontal menu, 3–108
Delayed Only, 3–108
Delayed Runs After Main, 3–22, 3–108
Delayed Scale, 3–22
Delayed Triggerable, 3–22, 3–110
Extended acquisition length, 3–22
FastFrame, 3–60
FastFrame Setup, 3–60
Fit to screen, 3–22
Frame Count, 3–60
Frame Length%, 3–60
Frame%, 3–60
Horiz Pos, 3–22
Horiz Scale, 3–22
Intensified, 3–108, 3–110
Main Scale, 3–22
Record Length, 3–21
Set to 10%, 3–22
Set to 50%, 3–22
Set to 90%, 3–22
Time Base, 3–108
Trigger Position, 3–21
HORIZONTAL MENU button, 3–68, 3–108
Horizontal POSITION knob, 3–19, 3–51
Horizontal Readouts, 3–18
Horizontal SCALE knob, 3–19, 3–51
HPGL, 3–165
HPGL, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Hue, Color menu, 3–46
II/O, Status menu, 3–179
I/O, Utility menu, 3–166
Icons, File Utilities menu, 3–153, 3–156, 3–162, 3–164
Independent, Cursor menu, 3–130
Infinite Persistence, Display menu, 3–39
Installation, 1–6
InstaVu, 3–55, Glossary–6
InstaVu mode
How to use, 3–56
Modes incompatible with, 3–58
Vs. Normal DSO mode (illustrated), 3–23, 3–57
Waveform capture rate, 3–55
Integral math waveform, 3–215
applications, 3–215
automated measurements of, 3–219
derivation of, 3–215
magnifying, 3–214, 3–220
procedure for displaying, 3–216
procedure for measuring, 3–217
record length of, 3–215
Integration, Waveform, 3–215
Intensified Samples, Display menu, 3–39
Intensified, Horizontal menu, 3–108, 3–110
Intensity, Glossary–6
Intensity, Display menu, 3–40
Interleaf, 3–165
Interleaf, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Interleaving, 3–29, Glossary–7
Interpolation, 3–28, 3–29, 3–42, Glossary–6
And zoom, 3–50
FFT distortion, 3–203
Incompatible with InstaVu, 3–58
linear versus sin(x)/x, 3–203
IRE (NTSC), Cursor menu, 3–131
KKeypad, 2–7, 2–26
Knob, Glossary–7
General purpose, 2–7, 2–25, Glossary–5
Horizontal POSITION, 2–14, 3–19
Horizontal SCALE, 2–14, 3–19
Trigger MAIN LEVEL, 2–15, 3–68
Vertical POSITION, 2–14, 3–15
Vertical SCALE, 2–14, 3–15
LLabelling menu, Enter Char, 3–162, 3–163
Landscape, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Language options, Option L, A–3
Laserjet, 3–165
Laserjet, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Layout, Hardcopy menu, 3–167
Level, Delayed Trigger menu, 3–112
Level, Main Trigger menu, 3–76, 3–93, 3–97, 3–102