Acquiring and Displaying Waveforms
3–22 TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
2. To fit an acquired waveform (or with Extended Acquisition On, an acquisi-
tion) to the visible screen, regardless of record length, press HORIZONTAL
MENU ➞ Record Length (main). Then toggle Fit to Screen to ON from
the side menu. This feature fits the waveform automatically much like you
could do manually — by turning zoom mode on and changing the time/division
until the waveform fits the screen. To turn off this feature, toggle Fit to Screen
to OFF.
Horizontal Scale. To change the horizontal scale (time per division) numerically
in the menu instead of using the Horizontal SCALE knob:
Press HORIZONTAL MENU ➞ Horiz Scale (main) ➞ Main Scale or
Delayed Scale (side), and use the keypad or the general purpose knob to change
the scale values.
Horizontal Position. To set the horizontal position to specific values in the menu
instead of using the Horizontal POSITION knob:
Press HORIZONTAL MENU ➞ Horiz Pos (main) ➞ Set to 10%, Set to
50%, or Set to 90% (side) to choose how much of the waveform will be
displayed to the left of the display center.
You can also control whether changing the horizontal position setting affects all
displayed waveforms, just the live waveforms, or only the selected waveform.
See Zoom a Waveform, on page 3–51 for the steps to set the horizontal lock feature.
You also can select Delayed Runs After Main or Delayed Triggerable. Use the
main time base for most applications. Use the delayed time base when you want
to delay an acquisition so it captures and displays events that follow other
events. See To Find More Information below.
Use Extended Acquisition mode to acquire an extended-length acquisition
record. After the data is acquired, you can move to and display any portion of the
data (see Figure 3–9).
To Select the Delayed Time BaseExtended AcquisitionLength (Option 2M Only)