Appendix E: Probe Selection
Dā€“6 TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual
Applications include measuring the transient optical properties of lasers, LEDs,
electro-optic modulators, and flashlamps. You can also use these probes in the
development, manufacturing, and maintenance of fiber optic control networks,
local area networks (LANs), fiber-based systems based on the FDDI, SONET,
and Fiber Channel standards, optical disk devices, digital video, and high-speed
fiber optic communications systems.
NOTE. When you connect any probe with a TEKPROBE (level 2) interface to the
oscilloscope, the input impedance of the oscilloscope automatically becomes
50 ī€. If you then connect a high input impedance passive probe, you need to set
the input impedance back to 1 Mī€.The procedure To Change Vertical Parame-
ters, on page 3ā€“17, explains how to change the input impedance.