Appendix B: Algorithms
TDS 500C, TDS 600B, & TDS 700C User Manual B–11
Timing measurement. The ratio of the negative pulse width to the signal period
expressed as a percentage.
NegativeWidth is defined in Negative Width, below.
If Period = 0 or undefined then return an error.
NegativeDutyCycle = NegativeWidth
Period 100%
Amplitude (voltage) measurement.
NegativeOvershoot = Low *Min
Amplitude 100%
Note that this value should never be negative (unless High or Low are set
Timing measurement. The distance (time) between MidRef (default = 50%)
amplitude points of a negative pulse.
If MCross1Polarity = ‘–’
NegativeWidth = (MCross2MCross1)
NegativeWidth = (MCross3MCross2)
See Mean dBm on page B–10.
Amplitude measurement. The absolute difference between the maximum and
minimum amplitude.
PeaktoPeak = MaxMin
Negative Duty CycleNegative OvershootNegative WidthOptical PowerPeak to Peak