System Commands
C–50 WFM 601A, WFM 601E & WFM 601M User Manual
System Commands
Using the commands in this section you can make the following changes to the
waveform monitor:
Select menus needed to change various parameters of the waveform monitor
Select an appropriate filter for the Waveform and Parade displays
Enable and disable the AFC and ECHO functions, the readout alignment
markers, and the internal calibration signal
Access the serial number for the waveform monitor

MENU <FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG | GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>

Displays the named menu or clears the displayed menus. In the WFM and
PARade displays, MENU:FILter displays the filters menu. In the Eye display, it
indicates the filter in use at the top right corner of the screen.
MENU <FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG |
GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>
<FILTer | CURsor | LINESelect | CONFIG | GAIN | CRT | CLear | SERial>
menu lines
menu config
menu ser
menu cl