Easy GPRS User Guide
80000ST10028 Rev. 0 - 02/01/07
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved page 22 of 35
A set of AT commands is available to support the FTP activities. The fist command is called #FTPTO
(FTP Time-Out) which defines the time-out for FTP operations. The module has already a factory
default time defined that is 10 s.
If it is needed to be modified, the syntax is:
<tout> - time-out in 100 ms units
100..5000 - hundreds of ms (factory default is 100)
NOTE: The parameter is not saved in NVM.
NOTE: if parameter <tout> is omitted the behaviour of Set command is the same as Read command.
AT#FTPTO=1000<cr> (set the timeout to 100sec)
2.2.1 Opening and Closing an FTP Connection
With the command AT#FTPOPEN=<server:port>,<username>,<password>,<mode> is possible to
open the FTP connection.
The parameters are:
<server:port> - string type, address and port of FTP server (factory default port 21).
<username> - string type, authentication user identification string for FTP.
<password> - string type, authentication password for FTP.
0 - active mode (default)
1 - passive mode
In order to close the FTP connection the AT command AT#FTPCLOSE should be used.