Easy GPRS User Guide
80000ST10028 Rev. 0 - 02/01/07
Reproduction forbidden without Telit Communications S.p.A. written authorization - All Rights Reserved page 28 of 35
The Telit module is now back to command mode.
Let’s suppose we want to send with our embedded device an EMAIL by using a SMTP server.
Initial data:
Server to be contacted smtp.domain.com
SMTP service port #25
Application Layer Protocol SMTP (RFC821)
Sender "module"<module@domain.com>
Email account username module@domain.com
Email account password telit
Receiver "Receiver"<receiver@server.net>
Subject Email Test
Message body This message is sent in order to test Easy
GPRS feature. Hello World!
GPRS settings
APN internet.gprs
IP of GPRS device dynamically assigned by the network
DNS assigned by the network
Checking on the RFC990 the SMTP service we can found that the port 25 is dedicated for SMTP
service, therefore our SMTP server will be waiting for incoming connections on that port and we will fix
the EASY GPRS port to be contacted on the remote server exactly to 25.
Second thing we have to discover is whether the transport protocol has to be TCP or UDP; on the
RFC821 we can read that the SMTP Application layer protocol is meant to be on top of TCP/IP
protocol, therefore the transport protocol choice will fall on TCP.
Now we have all the information needed to configure our system.
With our microcontroller we issue to the Telit module the following AT commands:
AT+CGDCONT = 1,"IP","internet.gprs","",0,0<cr> (1-GPRS context setting)
AT#USERID = "EASY GPRS"<cr> (2-Authentication setting)
AT#PASSW = "EASY GPRS"<cr> (2-Authentication setting)
AT#PKTSZ=300 (3-Socket setting)
AT#DSTO=50 (3-Socket setting)
AT#SKTTO=90 (3-Socket setting)
AT#SKTCT=600 (3-Socket setting)