Easy GPRS User Guide
80000ST10028 Rev. 0 - 02/01/07
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• wait for response:
Response Reason Action
OK context parameters have been
successfully stored proceed ahead
ERROR some error occurred check parameters and retry
For example:
1- Let's assume you want to set-up the GPRS context number 1(cid) with your GPRS connection
APN: ibox.tim.it
IP address: dynamically assigned by the ISP
Packet Data Protocol type: Internet Protocol (IP)
Data compression: OFF
Header compression: OFF
AT+CGDCONT= 1,"IP","ibox.tim.it","",0,0 <cr>
1.2.2 Minimum Quality of the Service Requested The minimum quality of service requested parameters represent the boundary under which the
connection quality is not anymore acceptable and will be terminated.
• send command
<cid> - is the index number of the desired context to be written (up to 5 different context).
<precedence> - is the precedence class. It is applied when the network has a heavy duty and user
precedence must be followed to ensure operations, the higher the priority the better the service.
0 - subscribed (default)
1 - High priority
2 - Normal priority
3 - Low priority
<delay> - is the delay class. It represents the maximum allowable time delay class between the
sending and the reception of a packet.