Easy GPRS User Guide
80000ST10028 Rev. 0 - 02/01/07
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With the command AT#FTPTYPE[=<type>] is possible to configure the file transfer type. The
command must be provided during an FTP connection.
<type> - file transfer type:
0 - binary
NOTE: The command causes an ERROR result code to be returned if no FTP connection has been
opened yet.
NOTE: If the parameter is omitted then the behaviour of Set command is the same of Read command.
With the command AT#FTPPUT=<filename> , to issued during an FTP connection, is possible to
open a data connection and starts sending <filename> file to the FTP server.
If the data connection succeeds, a CONNECT indication is sent, otherwise a NO CARRIER indication
is sent.
<filename> - string type, name under which you choose to save the file on the server (must have the
right extension: es. if the file you’re sending is .txt then the <filename> can be test.txt)
NOTE: use the escape sequence +++ to close the data connection.
NOTE: The command causes an ERROR result code to be returned if no FTP connection has been
opened yet.
Example of an FTP file transfer to the server:
Define PDP contest:
AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”, "internet.wind.biz"<cr>
GPRS Context Activation, as response gives IP of the module: