Talk to your network administrator for the proper IP assignment
type. The default factory setting is DHCP. Use the “Select” button
to select the desired method of IP assignment. If you did not
choose “Static IP” you are asked to confirm the selection with the
“↓” button.
To configure the RamSan with a static IP, the system requires the
IP address, subnet mask, and a possibly a gateway address.
After you have chosen
“Static IP,” “Ethernet IP”
replaces the top line of the
display, and the display
prompts you to enter an IP.
Use the “↑” or “↓” buttons
to cycle through the
numbers “0” through “9”.
To select the value, use the
“Select” button. Then, the
input prompt moves to the
next character position. To
back up a space, press the
“↑” and “↓” button
simultaneously. Repeat
this procedure until you
have entered the 4-byte
address. Press the “Menu”
button at any time to
cancel the Static IP
After you have finished
entering the IP, the top line
of the front panel changes
to “Subnet Mask.” Using
the same procedure as
entering the IP address,
enter the subnet mask.
The final value you must
enter is the “Gateway
Address.” If the RamSan
is on a private network and
this value is not needed,
enter the value “” to
tell the RamSan to ignore
this entry.
Ethernet IP
Subnet Mask
Gateway Address
After entering all three values, the display prompts you to confirm
the command with the “↓” button.
RamSan-300/320/325 User’s Manual - 29 -