Chapter 5 – Monitoring Functions

5.1 Viewing System health and status

The RamSan makes it possible to view system health variables in a variety
of ways. This allows you to easily determine that the system is in good
health and, under rare circumstances, determine that a failure is imminent
or has occurred.

5.1.1 Front Panel Monitoring

When the menu on the front panel is not in use, the display
monitors various aspects of the system. The display presents the
following information:

Restore/Synchronize Progress

During any synchronization
or data restore, the front
panel cycles between the
operation progress and
estimated time remaining
until completion.
The system displays
Restoring Data” when
restoring data from disk
and displays “Initializing
when starting from a
volatile state.
If the system is rebuilding
the disk array, the system
displays “Array
Rebuilding.” If the system
is rebuilding a single disk,
the front panel displays
Disk # Rebuild
indicating the disk number.
Restoring Data ... 73.0%
RamSan-300/320/325 User’s Manual - 39 -