The extremely versatile RamSan-3xx series supports a variety of configurations and
access control methods. LUN configuration is a memory-partitioning tool that allows
the administrator to configure system memory into LUNs (Logical Unit Numbers) that
may be assigned to specific Fibre Channel ports in the RamSan. In addition, the
administrator can assign LUN specific backup modes (for the RamSan-320/325) and
assign the LUNs’ access lists, which mask the visibility to specific servers.
The factory default configuration assumes no access control and equal shares of
system memory for each Fibre Channel port. For example, if you have a 16
Gigabyte system with two Fibre Channel ports, each port has access to only half of
the system memory. Host computers attached to the same network as the RamSan
see two eight-Gigabyte drives.
16 Gigabytes
Fibre Channel
8 Gigabytes
FC Port FC Port
8 Gigabytes
Figure 6-1: RamSan Default LUN Configuration
You can change each Fibre Channel ports allocated space by using a simple
configuration utility that TMS provides in the Text Management Interface and Web
LUN changes are not effective until the changes are saved.
RamSan-300/320/325 User’s Manual - 66 -