To combustible construction -
Below the cooking surface, combustible construction can be placed directly adjacent to the unit. Allow 8" clearance at the lower left rear of the unit for adequate routing of the gas and electrical supply line.
Minimum horizontal clearance from sides and back of unit to adjacent vertical combustible construction extending above top of unit, 12" from sides and 20" from back.
Degagement horizontal minimal a respecter entre les cotes et l’arriere de l’appareil et une construction combustible verticale adjacent depassant la partie superieure de l’appareil, soit 12" (305mm) pounces des cotes et 20" (508mm) ponces de l’arriere.
Above the cooking surface, a minimum 8" clearance from the sides is required to allow use of the rotisserie motor and skewer. A minimum of 3" clearance from the rear is required to allow proper opening of the hood.
Below the cooking surface,
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