Butler 5070
If you activate CLIR on an MSN number, each handset that has this MSN number assigned will not send out a calling number when making external call.
-Press MENU when the unit is in standby mode..
-Select BASE SETTING by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm
-Enter the Base Pin code BS_PIN:?
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select MSN by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select CLIR by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-You can see the list of telephone numbers MSN´s
-Select the MSN number on which you want to activate CLIR by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to switch over activate (✔ appears on the display)/ - deactivate.
-Press ESC to leave the setting.
You can decide if a second incoming call for a selected MSN shall be indicated on your handset or will be received by another handset. If no other handset is subscribed for this MSN number, the caller shall get a busy tone.
-Press MENU when the unit is in standby mode..
-Select BASE SETTING by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm
-Enter the Base Pin code BS_PIN:?
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select MSN by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select MSN BUSY by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-You can see the list of telephone MSN numbers
-Select the MSN number on which you want to activate BUSY ON BUSY by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to switch over activate (✔ appears on the display)/deactivate ( - appears on the display).
-Press ESC to leave the setting.
8.3.Standard MSN
If you have assigned more then 1 MSN number to a handset, you should select what MSN number is send out when you make an external call from this handset. This MSN is also used for call charging to a specific MSN number.
-Press MENU when the unit is in standby mode..
-Select BASE SETTING by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm
-Enter the Base Pin code BS_PIN:?
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select HS CONFIG. by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select MSN ASSIGNM. by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select the desired handset by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.
-Select DEFAULT MSN by using the UP- and DOWN keys.
-Press OK to confirm.