Topfield v2.0 manual The EPG View ‘Welcome’ Screen

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3. The EPG View (‘Welcome’) Screen

v2.0 user guide

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3. The EPG View (‘Welcome’) Screen

The EPG View screen shows any EPG views currently created, and indicates the language each will display in.

Two pseudo-views are also displayed and available here: “Freeview line-up” (or “Freeview holynieath” as in the image, if you’ve chosen Welsh for the display language) which is a default view showing all available

channels in their standard order; and “Recordings and Timers” (“Cofnodiau”) which is a pseudo-view which takes you to the recordings screen.

Access the EPG view screen by pressing the [LIST] button. [EXIT] or [LIST] will close the screen and revert to the current channel.

[UP/DOWN ARROW] navigates to the previous/next view. [OK] or [GUIDE] selects the currently selected view and enters its EPG Grid page. From now on the EPG Grid page, and the now-and-next banner will use this view.

4. The Configuration Screen

Accessed through the [MENU] key. Use [UP ARROW] and [DOWN ARROW] to scroll through the options. Press [MENU] or [RED] to move to the next page of configuration options (in the current release of iGuide there are five such pages available). [EXIT] will close the screen and revert to the current channel.

Options are of two sorts: those with a choice of values, and those without. In the case of those with selectable options, pressing [LEFT] and [RIGHT] will change the selection; in the case of those without selectable options, pressing [OK] will cause the option to be invoked.

The available options are:

SCAN EPG: Press [OK] to start an EPG scan. This is the process by which iGuide loads in all EPG data from over the air. If you are unhappy with the number of programmes iGuide displays in the EPG grid you can initiate a scan here. Note that iGuide automatically performs a background scan which updates one channel every two to four minutes.

CREATE A RECORDING: Enter the Recording Edit screen (see below) to manually create a timer

CREATE A SERIES: Enter the Series Pattern Edit screen (see below) to manually create a series pattern.

EDIT SKIN: Press [OK] to enter the Edit Skin screen – see below.

MODIFY EPG VIEWS: Press [OK] to enter the Modify EPG Views screen – see below.

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Topfield v2.0 manual The EPG View ‘Welcome’ Screen