Topfield v2.0 manual Left/Right

Models: v2.0

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v2.0 user guide

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This causes the number of minutes displayed for a recording to go


down/up, so as to change the play position – changing the ‘minutes


viewed’ this way allows quick navigation to known points in a




Note that the display for a completed recording need not just show the


number of minutes already viewed. If a completed recording is


currently selected, it will display as “RECORDED” if it has yet to be


played, “START” or “END” if the playback position is in the first or


last minute of the recording respectively, or “xx MINS VIEWED” if


partly viewed.


As [LEFT/RIGHT] but in intervals of 15 minutes.


Tick or untick a recording or timer to mark it as a favourite for the


purposes of May I Suggest... matching. If ticked, a recording will be


used as an example of the sort of thing you enjoy watching by MIS


when it searches for new programmes. Visually, ticking a recording


adds an image of a heart at the left side of its info bar.


Goes to the EPG View screen. If the currently selected row is an


upcoming timer, centres the EPG view screen on that event; otherwise,


the channel of the currently selected recording, at the current time.


Tries to play the current recording (NB: this won’t work if it’s an


upcoming timer that has not yet started).


Toggle the view of recordings and timers between alphabetical


ordering, and ordering by time (that is, by time and date of the




If the currently selected row shows a recording or timer, enters the


Recording Edit page (see below) for it.


If the currently selected row shows a recording or timer which is part


of a series link, enters the edit screen for that pattern.


If the currently selected recording or timer is not part of a series link,


causes a series link to be created based on the timed programme and


then enters the edit screen for that pattern.


Show full information for the currently selected recording or timer, in


a popup window; press any key to exit the window.


Set the playout precedence for a completed recording, or delete the


precedence if [0] pressed. See [OK] below for playout mode.


If the currently selected row shows a completed recording or currently


recording programme, plays it.


If the currently selected row shows a folder, enters it.


If the currently selected recording/timer is an upcoming timer that is


part of a series link, pressing [OK] enters the Series Link Pattern Edit


screen (see below).

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Topfield v2.0 manual Left/Right