Topfield v2.0 manual iGuide control screens

Models: v2.0

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iGuide: control screens

v2.0 user guide

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iGuide: control screens

1. The EPG Grid Screen

The EPG Grid screen shows programme information for seven to ten channels at a time, over a certain time window (the size of which can be chosen as described below). The channels displayed are taken from, and ordered by, the current EPG View (see below).

Access the EPG grid screen by pressing the [GUIDE] button. [GUIDE] or [EXIT] will close the screen and revert to the current channel.

Other key actions:



Move a page up/down i.e. to the previous/next set of channels


Move forward/back 24 hours


Move to the previous/next channel in the list


Move to the previous/next programme on the current channel, or


backward/forward by half an hour if the previous/next programme is


not on the current screen.


Move to the previous/next programme on the current channel. If that’s


off the screen, move the grid back/forth in time to view the




Move one page back/forward in time (i.e. if you’re looking at a grid


covering 3.00pm to 6.00pm [REW] will move to a page covering


12.00pm to 3.00pm; [FFW] will move to a page covering 6.00pm to




Change the size of the time window. Pressing [PIP] repeatedly will


cycle through time periods from 1 hour to 4 hours in half-hour chunks.


The greater the time period, the more programmes are shown at once -


but with less detail for each programme title.


If the programme currently selected in the grid is a “NO


INFORMATION” event, pressing [OK] triggers an attempt to get


EPG information for the channel and repopulate the screen.


If that’s not the case and the currently selected programme is on now,


pressing [OK] tunes to it.


Otherwise, pressing [OK] acts as if [REC] were pressed (see below).


This functionality is optional – see the Configuration screen section


below for information on enabling/disabling this feature.

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Topfield v2.0 manual iGuide control screens