Topfield v2.0 manual The Support Files

Models: v2.0

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The Support Files

v2.0 user guide

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The Support Files

iGuide requires a number of support files to aid its configuration. Some are compulsory, others are not. If a compulsory file does not exist one will be created. All exist in the same directory as the iGuide TAP or, just to make it neater, in an iguide directory which is itself in the same directory as the iGuide TAP, if one exists.

Configuration files are human-editable, but a bit esoteric: where it’s useful, they are described more fully in sections below.

The following files may be found:

iguide.igc: basic configuration data including channel groups, EPG views and options selections (see below)

iguide.igr: a list of the current recordings and timers

xxxxx.epg: a list of the current EPG data, updated automatically overnight or created through the configuration screen, for channel xxxxx. These files are found in the iguide/epg directory

iguide.syn: a list of channel names, and synonyms for those names, used by iGuideSMS as described above. This can be edited to change/add synonyms and channels.

xxxxx.skn & xxxxx.mcf: skin files defining colours (see below) and background image (in the case of .skn files only). On start up iGuide will try to load iguide.skn and, failing that, iguide.mcf. .mcf skin files are in a standard MyStuff format; iGuide tries to make best use of the colours in these files by mapping entries onto its own requirements.

xxxxx.igs: multiple language files holding date-time representations and iGuide’s

strings in appropriate languages: english.igs, cymraeg.igs, polski.igs and norsk.igs are provided as standard. Other languages can be added by creating new .igs files in the same format; make sure exactly the same number of strings are provided, and that the file ends with the string “EOF”.

xxxxx.mp3: All valid MP3 files with a .mp3 extension in the iguide directory will be played in turn by iGuide as background music; if you don’t want background music, delete all .mp3 files from the iguide directory.

Music is provided for use with iGuide in the zipfile at This music is copyright Kevin MacLeod2 and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.03,4.

logo.dat: channel logos as created by the UK Timers logo TAP.

cglogo.dat: bespoke logos for e.g. the channel groups, in the same format as logo.dat.



4I’d also add Oscar Peterson’s rendition of the Girl from Ipanema if you have a copy to hand. It rocks. (Well, jazzes.)

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Topfield v2.0 manual The Support Files