Topfield v2.0 manual The Modify EPG Views Screen

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5. The Modify EPG Views Screen

v2.0 user guide

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5. The Modify EPG Views Screen

The Modify EPG View screen lists the current user-defined EPG views and allows certain actions to be taken out on them. The Modify EPG Views screen is entered from the Configuration screen. [EXIT] will navigate to the EPG Views screen.

[OK]: If in ‘select’ mode, drops the currently selected channel at its current position. If not, enters the Edit EPG View screen for the currently selected view

[RED]: Selects/unselects the current view so that it can be moved up and down the list.

[GREEN]: Allows you to rename the current view by entering Edit Mode (see below)

[YELLOW]: Creates a new EPG View (if there’s enough room for another one).

[BLUE]: Deletes the currently selected EPG View. [YELLOW] must be pressed next to complete the deletion; any other key cancels.

[UP/DOWN ARROW]: Moves to the previous/next EPG view, or, if in select mode, moves the current view up/down the list.

[LEFT/RIGHT ARROW]: Allows you to change the language of the currently selected view. By default iGuide has an inbuilt English language pack. Other languages can be added by creation of “xxxxxx.igs” files, containing required words and phrases in the appropriate language: “cymraeg.igs”, “polski.igs” and “norsk.igs” are provided, but iGuide will support as many languages as there are .igs files at its start time. (NB: “english.igs” is also provided as an example, but is not actually required.)

6. The Edit EPG View Screen

The Edit EPG View screen allows channels to be reordered and hidden or unhidden within the current EPG view.

[RED]: Hides or unhides the current channel. Note that the Freeview Line-Up EPG

View acts as a master for all the others: any channels hidden here are automatically and irrevocably hidden in all other views. Channels hidden in the current view are indicated as such with a single strike-through. Channels hidden in the Freeview Line- Up view are indicated as such with a double strike-through. Channels hidden in both the current and the Freeview Line-Upviews have a triple strike-through.

[YELLOW]: Saves the current state of the EPG view and exits to the Modify EPG Views screen

[BLUE]: Exits to the Modify EPG Views screen without saving

[OK]: Selects the current channel so that it can be moved up and down the list, or, if already in select mode, cancels it.

[UP/DOWN ARROW]: Moves to the previous/next channel, or, if in select mode, moves the current channel up/down the list.

[CH UP/DOWN]: Moves to the previous/next page of channels, or, if in select mode, moves the current channel up/down one page in the list.

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Topfield v2.0 manual The Modify EPG Views Screen