Do not use or leave the handset or battery pack in places where it will be exposed to direct sunlight or in hot places such as inside a car in the sun
Doing so may cause overheating, fi re or malfunction.
Keep the handset, battery pack, macro lens and charger away from infants and small children
Failing to do so may result in the battery pack, macro lens or memory card being accidentally swallowed or cause an injury.
Make sure that the charger terminals (metal parts) do not come into contact with wires or other metal objects
Failing to do so may cause overheating or burns.
Do not pull the cord when unplugging the rapid charger or cigarette lighter charger from an AC household outlet or socket
Damage to the cord may cause electric shock, overheating or fi re.
Hold the plug when unplugging the rapid charger or cigarette lighter charger.
Do not pull, bend with excessive force or twist the cords of the rapid charger and cigarette lighter

Do not damage or modify them Do not place objects on them
Do not apply heat and keep them away from heaters
Damage to a cord may cause electric shock, overheating or fi re.
Do not plug or unplug the rapid charger with wet handsDoing so may cause electric shock or malfunction.
Keep magnetic cards away from the handset and macro lens and make sure that a magnetic card is not trapped when closing the handset
Failing to do so may cause the magnetic data on a cash card, credit card, telephone card or fl oppy disk to be lost.
Do not use the handset in a vehicle if it affects in- vehicle electronic devices
Use of the handset in some types of vehicles may, in some rare cases, affect