Optional Services
•To change the number for diverting calls to the Voicemail Centre or the number for accessing the Voicemail Centre to listen to voicemail, select Voicemail Centre after Step 4. However, do not change these numbers unless Vodafone informs you that they have been changed.
•To confi rm settings, select Status after Step 4 and press Jj(Request).
For details on services, contact Vodafone General Information (page 315).
Transfer calls to Voicemail Centre (ie: when your handset is out of range or a call is in progress). appears when you have a new message.
Activating Voicemail
1.In standby mode, press @, select Settings and press J(Select).
2.Select Call Settings and press J(Select).
3.Select Voicemail and press J(Select).
4.Select Voicemail Settings and press J(Select). The Voicemail Settings window appears.
5.Select Registration and press J(Select).
6.Select a diverting condition and press J(Request/Select).
◆All Calls: All calls are diverted. Ringer is off.
◆When Busy: Press K(Divert) to divert an incoming call.
◆Not Reachable: Divert a call when handset power is off or out of range.
◆No Answer: Divert a call if you do not answer it within the set time. Set the answer time.
◆All Conditional: Divert a call that meets all of the above conditions except All Calls. Set the answer time.
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