Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD manual Speed Dial Memo, To use the new link, To program names and numbers


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Setting System Parameters

Speed Dial—Advanced Features

To use the new link

From any station, press 6SHHG￿'LDO￿+￿￿￿￿￿or press 6' (￿￿￿) button if available on the calling station. The telephone automatically dials ￿ to access a CO line, then the carrier access code (￿￿￿￿￿) plus the telephone number (￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿).

Speed Dial Memo

This feature enables the Administrator station to program an 11- or 12-character name for each of the system Speed Dial numbers. You can scroll through the memo pad of names to select the appropriate party.


Before entering names for Speed Dial Numbers, turn off the Soft Key feature by pressing 0RGH + ￿￿ when the telephone is idle. After entering the names, turn the feature back on by pressing the￿0RGH +￿￿￿ when the telephone is idle.

For your convenience, use the “Telephone Location Record” on Page 45 for recording speed dial numbers with memos from the Administrator station.

To program names and numbers

1.Press 5HGLDO, then


2.Enter the Speed Dial number.

3.Press 0RGH.

The LCD displays:


The current name/memo and its code displays (see Table 8 on Page 42).

The name/memo appears as you enter it.

Strata DK System Administrator Guide 5/00


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Toshiba DKA-AG-SYSTEMVD manual Speed Dial Memo, To use the new link, To program names and numbers