DADM/DSS Console
The DADM3020 model, is shown below, right. The DADM2020 (not shown) looks similar and has the same functions.
Buttons and LEDs
The buttons can be programmed for Direct Station Selection (DSS), outside line access, and Station or System Speed Dial. Directory Numbers or other functions cannot be assigned to DADMs.
Each DSS button and /LQH button has an LED that provides a status of the outside line or station assigned to it. The DSS button acts like a speed dial button to a specific extension.
•A station or line shows steady red when in use by others; green when in use by the DADM.
•A DSS LED will flash red while making a call and turn intermittently green once connected.
•An outside Line LED is green when the outside line is in use by the DADM console user. It is red if it is in use by another telephone user.
Note Button numbers in the figure to the right are examples only.
209 219
208 218
207 217
206 216
205 215
204 214
203 213
202 212
First DADM
229 | 239 |
228 | 238 |
227 | 237 |
226 | 236 |
225 | 235 |
224 | 234 |
223 | 233 |
222 | 232 |
Second DADM
76 | Strata CTX |