3.21 ONLY ONE TEST 3 Tests and Diagnostics
QOSMIO F30 Maintenance Manual (960-555) [CONFIDENTIAL] 3-47
3.21.1 Program Description
This program tests the unique functions of this model.
3.21.2 Operations
Select test 2 from the DIAGNOSTIC MENU and press Enter. The following menu appears
in the display.
######## ONLY ONE TEST Menu (QOSMIO F30) ########
* *
* 1 ............ Pressed Key Display *
* 2 ............ Touch Pad *
* 3 ............ Kill Switch *
* 4 ............ USB *
* 5 ............ LED *
* 6 ............ Button *
* 7 ............ Remocon (Remote control [AUDIO/STOP]) *
* 99 ............ Exit to Common Test *
* *
.... Press test number [1-99] ?
Select the subtest number you want to test and press Enter.
To return to the DIAGNOSTIC TEST menu, select 99 and press Enter.