Security precautions
In order to make correct use of this product’s security function, first read the following precau- tions carefully.
To Administrators
yIf a physical security problem such as hardware removal or inappropriate disassembly should occur at the installation site, take the appropriate physical security measures such as checking who enters and leaves the site.
yWhen connecting this product with an outer network such as the Internet, only operate it in a network environment protected by a firewall, etc. to prevent information from being leaked due to incorrect settings or avoid illegal access by unauthorized users.
yTo prevent the configuration settings from being changed illegally or similar, change the ini- tial administrator password at the time of shipping before you use this product. Also, the administrator password should be altered periodically.
yIn order to make proper use of the network function, be sure to read the “Network Adminis- tration Guide”, set the given function and explain the instructions to general users as well.
yAlways check if the network function is enabled in order to maintain the security. Should you happen to come across any abnormality, contact your service technician immediately. See the “Network Administration Guide” for the checking method.
8 Before Reading This Manual