Satellite L650/L655/L650D/L655D/Satellite Pro L650/L650D

Pursuant to FCC CFR 47, Part 68:

When you are ready to install or use the modem, call your local telephone company and give them the following information:

The telephone number of the line to which you will connect the modem

The registration numbers that are located on the device US:CXSMM01BRD02D330



The FCC registration number of the modem will be found on either the device which is to be installed, or, if already installed, on the bottom of the computer outside of the main system label.

The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) of the modem, which can vary. For the REN of your modem, refer to your modem’s label.

The modem connects to the telephone line by means of a standard jack called the USOC RJ11C.

Type of service

Your modem is designed to be used on standard-device telephone lines. Connection to telephone company-provided coin service (central office implemented systems) is prohibited. Connection to party lines service is subject to state tariffs. If you have any questions about your telephone line, such as how many pieces of equipment you can connect to it, the telephone company will provide this information upon request.

Telephone company procedures

The goal of the telephone company is to provide you with the best service it can. In order to do this, it may occasionally be necessary for them to make changes in their equipment, operations, or procedures. If these changes might affect your service or the operation of your equipment, the telephone company will give you notice in writing to allow you to make any changes necessary to maintain uninterrupted service.

User’s Manual
