PCMCIA 10/100 Mbps Ethernet PC Card User’s Manual

Auto configuration

To use auto configuration, you must have Card and Socket service drivers installed. Refer to your computer user’s manual for infor- mation.

If you selected Auto Configuration, the program auto detects whi- ch IRQ, I/O Port, and memory space (MEMBASE) the PCMCIA 10/100 Mbps Ethernet Card can use. After successfully auto- detecting the configuration, the program shows the following screen:

PC M C IA 10/100M bp s Eth ern et C ard In stallation Program

C O N F IG U R IN G T H E P C M C IA 10/100M b ps ET H E R N E T C A R D

T h e IN STA L L p rog ram has d etecte d th e fo llow in g con figu ratio n o ptions for yo u r

P C M C IA 10/10 0 M b ps E th ern et C ard .


: 5


: 0 x4 00


: 0 x D 400



<E n ter> to con tinu e

<F3> to retu rn to D O S



After the configuration process, you are prompted to select the ty- pe of network that you are installing. Select a network operating system from the list by moving the cursor to your selection and pressing <Enter>.

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TRENDnet PF-16 PCMCIA user manual Auto configuration