1.To prevent feedback from the internal microphone being picked up by the external speakers, click on the Mixer tab and mute the microphone, or turn down the volume. If you’re using headphones with the speakers turned off, this won’t be an issue.
2.Next, set the volume levels to a comfortable level. In Windows XP/2000, set the Wave and Master volume levels on the Mixer tab. The Wave slider is what you’ll primarily use to control the playback level of digital music
files, DVDs, and other digital audio sources in XP. In Windows Vista, the Wave slider no longer exists, so the Master Volume alone is used to control the overall volume.
Check the Speakers1.Click the Speakers Tab, then click on the speaker icons located below the Speaker Configuration
2.Make sure the speaker you’re hearing corresponds to the icon you clicked. For example, if you clicked the front left speaker icon, you should hear the test signal say “Front Left” in the front left speaker.
⇒If the test signals are playing on the wrong speakers, or if there is no speaker sound, see the next section on Troubleshooting Tips.
Step 3: Try the Play3D Demo
1.Launch the Play3D Demo either by clicking
Start Æ All Programs Æ Turtle Beach Æ Audio Advantage Amigo Æ Demo Files Æ 3D Player Demo or by clicking on the Turtle Beach icon in the System Tray on the bottom right of your PC Screen and selecting Demo from the menu.
2.Click on the Play button to hear the Sound Source selected in the top group. Each source presents a different type of sound to demonstrate positional audio.
3.Clicking the first button in the Moving Path section lets you move the sound manually, while clicking the other buttons in this group lets you hear the sound move automatically.
4.The Environment buttons let you hear different reverberation settings, which are available in the Environments section on the Amigo Control Panel Effects Tab.
5.To end the demo, click Stop. To shut down the program, click Exit.
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