Audio Advantage Amigo

AudioSurgeon Controls

The edit controls are greyed out until a range is selected in the graphic display.

Some of the control functions are disabled in AudioSurgeon LE. These features are only available in the full version of AudioSurgeon. For more information, please visit

Transport Controls

Jump to Beginning/End: Moves the Play Position Pointer to the beginning or end of the file.

Stop/Play/Pause: Stop, Play and Pause during playback or recording.

Record: Enables Record Standby mode. The red light on the button blinks to indicate that your system is ready to record. Press either the Pause or Play button to begin recording.

Current Position: Displays the Current Play Position during recording and playback, in minutes:seconds:hundredths of a second.

Level Meters: Indicates the signal levels during recording and playback.

File Commands

New: Creates a new audio document for recording.

Open: Presents a dialog box to select the file you want to load.

Save: Saves the currently loaded file to disk.

Properties: Displays the track properties for the file, which will be displayed in Media Player, AudioStation® and other jukebox players.

Edit Commands

Undo: Restores the file to the state it was in before the most recent Edit.

Redo: Reverses the last change made by Undo.

Cut: Removes the selected range and shifts the rest of the file back to fill the gap. The cut data is placed in the Clipboard.

Copy: Places a copy of the range in the Clipboard without altering the file.

Copy to New File: Copies the highlighted section to a new file.

Paste: Inserts the contents of the Clipboard at the start point of the selected range and shifts the data after that point to the right.

Mix Paste: Mixes the contents of the Clipboard with the data in the current file, beginning at the Current Play Position.

Play Clipboard: Plays the contents of the Clipboard.

Select All: Highlights the entire file.

Crop: Deletes all data except the selected range. The contents of the Clipboard remain unchanged.

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