Audio Advantage Amigo

Things You Can Do with Amigo

Listening to Music CDs in Windows 2000/XP

To listen to an audio CD from your PC’s CD ROM drive:

1.Insert the CD into the CD ROM Tray. Windows will prompt you whether or not you want to Rip the CD to your hard drive or play the CD with Media Player. Select “Play CD with Media Player”.

2.In Windows XP, the CD volume is controlled by the Wave volume in the Control Panel Mixer Tab. However, if your CD ROM drive uses an analog CD output, then the CD cannot be played using Amigo since the CD audio will not be in digital format.

If there’s no sound when playing a CD

Check that the “Enable digital CD audio for this CD-

ROM Device” option is enabled in the CD drive’s

Properties settings (using Windows XP or 2000).

Access this by clicking Start Æ Control Panel Æ

System Æ Hardware Tab Æ Device Manager Æ DVD/CD ROM Drives Æ Right click on the name of the CD drive in question Æ Click Properties Æ Select Properties Tab.

Listening to Your Digital Music Library

You can use Windows Media Player for listening to your digital music library with Amigo. If you don’t hear any sound when using Windows Media Player to play your music, first check that Media Player’s volume control is turned up.

If that’s not the problem, then check that Media Player is configured to play from Amigo by clicking Tools on the Windows Media Player menu. Depending on which version of Windows you have, do the following:

Windows 2000/XP…

Then select Options Æ Devices Æ Speakers Æ Properties. The selection under “Audio device to use” should be set to DirectSound: Audio Advantage Amigo Device. If it isn’t, then select it from the pull-down menu and click Apply Æ OK at the bottom of the window. Close the options window and try Media Player again to see if it corrects the problem.

Set the Master Volume on the Speakers Tab to a comfortable level. If it seems like the volume is too low, click the Mixer Tab and adjust the Wave volume in the Playback Mixer.

For Windows Vista…

If there’s no sound, refer to the previous section “No sound on speakers or headphones” and follow the steps to check that Audio Advantage Amigo is set as the default Playback Device.

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