3.4.1 Hammer Configurati on
This section allows you to fine tune the hammer configuration.
HT-LDT Frequency
The port’s transmission frequency.
Options: 1000MHz / 800MHz / 600MHz / 400MHz / 200MHz
Node Interleave
Interleave memory blocks across nodes. Auto will set this enabled when possible.
Options: Disabled / Auto
DRAM Bank Interleave
Interleave memory blocks across the DRM chip selects. Auto will set this enabled
when possible.
Options: Disabled / Auto
Set FID to MaxFID
Enable this option to set the FID to MaxFID on fused, non-server parts. It also sets
the VID to 50mV less than the MaxFID. Disable this option to leave the FID alone.
For unfused parts or server parts, enabled will do nothing.
Options: Disabled / Auto
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