The LD9000 family of pole displays offers a wide range of high quality features and models to choice from. Listed below are the features incorporated into each pole display. Not all features are available in all models. The model identification chart will assist you in selecting the model best suited to your needs.
Features - All Models
•Large 9mm character height
•Double sided display available
•Supports high speed serial protocol: up to 19,200 baud rate, 1 stop bit
•Automatic message scrolling
•Two line display with 20 characters per line
•Matched optical lens for better viewing contrast
•Ergonomic design
•Direct RS232C or parallel interface
•Long life and trouble free operation
•Five adjustable viewing angles
•Simple installation
•Available with 120V or 220V Power Adapters
Features - Model dependent
•Emulation of other popular command sets
•Double sided display
•User definable character
•True RS232C
•Real time clock
•One time message scrolling
•Ability to disable attention code
•Ability to change attention code